I have been seeing Melissa Gearing since the beginning of 2016 and I have found her to be very supportive and knowledgeable in consultations.
I initially started a detox with Melissa that has helped me in a number of aspects of my diet and lifestyle changes. The detox has had ongoing results in reductions in medication, and weight, and improved cholesterol and blood pressure results. Going on the detox with Melissa helped with my energy levels, and sleep patterns and I always had plenty of nutritious food to eat. Melissa provided meal ideas and recipes that all my family could eat and enjoy which has resulted in changes to all my family’s diet.
Each consultation Melissa is always friendly and professional and individualises the herbal mixture to suit my current needs. I have never been able to tolerate the taste of herbal mixtures and Melissa took this information and has structured each mixture to suit not only my needs but to suit my palate also. I would recommend Melissa to anyone who is looking for a medical herbalist with a caring and professional manner.
Mel is an insightful and passionate practitioner, whom since meeting 9 months ago , I have recommended to many others based on the results I have experienced. Mel progressively, systematically and empathetically, worked with me to unpack and isolate my health needs, with the goal of holistic balance always being the focus. The advice to achieve this balance while embedded in current research and lifestyle authenticity, is delivered through meaningful conversations that reflect an aligned enthusiasm that together we will achieve the best possible outcome.
I have always felt that I am in the right place in my sessions with Mel!
I have been seeing Mel for around three months and in that time have had some amazing outcomes. I am trying to have a baby and a major issue was my poly-cystic ovarian syndrome where I only get a period once every two months.
Since seeing Mel and following her advice and taking her herbs we have got my cycle down to 36 days which is a huge improvement. Not only that I feel so much better in myself. I have lots more energy and feel lighter too! It's amazing we have had these outcomes in less than three months considering I've been seeing doctors for years with little to no outcome and all.
When I first met Mel, I thought I was healthy and fine apart from feeling fairly tired during the day. I thought this was "normal" working large hours and with early mornings. Mel helped me with nutrition advice, herbal support and cortisol testing. We identified adrenal issues and am now working to improve this and restore proper function.
I recommend chatting to Mel if you're looking to improve general health or if you have specific health complaints. She will get you on track towards finding health and wellness.
I have always had stomach problems and at 39 years of age I had come to accept that it was just something that I had to live with. I had made many attempts over the years to find out exactly what was wrong. When I was a child my mother took me to our local country doctor who determined that I didn't like school and was faking stomach problems to stay at home. I loved school. A different doctor a few years later said the same thing. It was a blow to my fragile teenage self-confidence to have my honesty questioned and my real health concerns dismissed. A few years later I was 18 years old and at university. My stomach problems were getting worse and interfering with my ability to study. I was seen by a gastroenterologist who suspected Crohn's Disease. I had barium tubed into my intestines so that they could be x-rayed. This procedure ruled out Crohn's Disease and so I was diagnosed with Irritable Bowel Syndrome and placed on medication. This did help a bit and I learnt to live with my unpredictable stomach and bowel. I graduated from university as a teacher, established my career and had 3 children. I came up with strategies to work around my pain. I developed the ability to effectively grit my teeth and bear the unpredictable stomach spasms that occurred each day.
21 years later and I had a chance encounter at the gym. I met Mel Gearing and mentioned my health concerns to her. She asked if I'd ever been tested for food intolerances, I didn't know that such a test existed! I made an appointment with her to have a Food Detective test administered and for an iridology consultation. These examinations indicated that I had intolerances to gluten, dairy, eggs and nuts. It sounded like a lot but after a lifetime of debilitating discomfort I had nothing to lose. Mel also provided me with an individualised herb mix and some supplements to help heal my gut.
I noticed an enormous difference within the first few days. For the first time in my life my days were pain free. I was able to do sit-ups at the gym without the terrible bloating that had previously made them so uncomfortable. I was astounded at the difference. I initially had weekly consultations with Mel as I needed guidance with the big changes to my diet. She was able to provide me with suggested eating plans and ensured that I was getting all the nutrients that I needed. She taught me a new way to view food and nutrition.
I have since taken 2 of my daughters to see Mel and undergo the Food Detective test. Both my 12 year old and my 15 year old were experiencing some forms of stomach problems including pain and bloating. Testing indicated that both girls had specific food intolerances. Removing the offending foods from their diets has eliminated their symptoms. The youngest daughter was initially very resistant to eliminating things from her diet. I told her that it would just be for one week and then she could decide whether or not to continue. After a week she was so excited about how well she felt that she happily decided to maintain her new diet.
It has been 8 months since my 1st appointment with Mel. I have recently had appointments with her to discuss my general health and wellbeing as a busy full-time teacher and mother of 3. She has been able to provide me with herbs and supplements that target my specific needs and concerns. I have increased vitality and a more positive outlook that has been noticeable to not only myself but also to my family and my work colleagues.
I recently turned 40 and I was able to celebrate being in better health than ever before. I am so grateful for that chance encounter at the gym that has changed my health and revitalised my outlook on life.