Smoothie Cubes

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Making smoothie cubes on a Sunday will really set you up for a successful week of eating well. Often by the end of the week we are out of fresh ingredients or they are starting to wane. So, set some time aside and gather all the ice cube trays in the house to create some smoothie cubes. You can then pop them out and store in a bowl in the freezer or in zip lock bags ready for each smoothie.


In this photo, you can see some cubes with spinach and others with berries.

For the red cubes, I used a mix of blueberries and raspberries. I use frozen organic berries as they are just as nutritious as their fresh counterpart plus they are cheaper and go further. If you like a coconut smoothie, place half coconut milk, half berries in the cubes or freeze a tray of each. Just make sure your coconut milk is full fat, organic, in a BPA free can and has no additives or preservative (220). You can grab some from your local health food shop.

The green cubes are just whizzed up baby spinach and water but you could use kale or any other green that takes your fancy.

Optional add-ins to throw in to the smoothie in the morning: handful of nuts or seeds, a bit of bone broth, some extra spinach or fruit.


Whiz up your chosen ingredients and pour into ice cube trays. Pop in the freezer overnight to set.

In the morning when you are ready to get your smoothie on, throw a few cubes in and top with your choice of liquid like water, dairy free milk, or coconut water, extra veggies or fruit, and a handful of nuts or seeds. Give it a good blitz and away you go.