A Morning Brothee


This brothee can easily replace a morning coffee and will serve as a beautiful breakfast as it is so filling and nutritious. My hubby loves it with a big slosh of Tabasco hot sauce to get his morning started. If you are new to broths and have had a low-fat diet in the past just keep in mind that this will be very filling. Start small and drink it slow until you adjust. You can see the melted coconut oil floating on top waiting to be gobbled up.


• 1 cup of homemade broth (beef or chicken)

• 1 tablespoons of coconut oil 

• 1 teaspoon grass-fed butter

• A pinch of cumin and cayenne (optional)

• Salt and pepper to taste


Heat up the broth and pour into a big coffee mug.

Put oil, butter and spices in. Season to taste and drink slowly while you get yourself ready for your day.